A Community
We are the natural home for solopreneurs, partnerships and established family businesses.Conceived, created, and operated by family businesses perhaps just like you…
Whether you have been in business for five minutes or fifty years we will have something for you.
Check out six key reasons why...
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Our Events
Develop and grow your business by attending tried, tested, and proven events presented by experienced professionals just like you.We have both online and dedicated face-to-face events catering to all tastes, which are timely, informative, and most of all enjoyable!
Take a look at our latest series of events here...
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Learn How to Grow a Reputation that Delivers More Profitable Business.Our Reputation Gap Programme will help you to attract the type of referrals you dream of, with clients who appreciate your ability, are great to work with, and pay you what you are worth...
...and without quibbling!
To check out the details look here...
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Learning and Development with Family Business at the forefront of the Practice... and for 2025 the BIG NEWS is the Membership fee is now ZERO!
Thats right all this at no intitial fee so whats not to like... So check out the site then CLICK HERE to get in touch!
- One big family
- Member-driven
- Encouraging, supportive, educational
- We are the Family Business Practice
We believe that every family business owner needs support to start, build and grow their business. Being an owner/manager of a business can be a lonely journey but if you’re a member of the Family Business Practice you’re not on your own anymore. You’re part of one big business family which helps you make the right connections and stays with you through thick and thin. If you succeed, we succeed.
How can we help?
Do you sometimes feel isolated as a business leader? Running your own business comes with a lot of responsibility and plenty of highs and lows.
It can get lonely.
Would you benefit from being part of a vibrant and proactive community full of genuine business people?
How about access to high-quality training programmes, workshops and business support?
If the answer’s yes, the Family Business Practice might be the place for you. You can attend one of our events at no cost to see if we’re what you’re looking for.
Three simple keys:
- To help you fill the fridge and keep it filled on a day-to-day basis
- Knowledge, friendship and support enable you to put your head on the pillow and sleep at night
- Provide a proven and experienced platform enabling you to form long-term relationships with people you know, like and trust
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