Here at the practice, we have lots of sessions where we ask challenging questions of ourselves and our members. One of the key Check-ins we had in January looked at what we all learned from the previous year and I have been asked on several occasions to publish the discussion.
This would take ages to do so and frankly my experience is that most people would not stay the course so for the next few weeks I will list one of the nine keys that came from the discussions and my take on them.
This week: Money isn’t a value!
Those of us old enough to be part of the eighties will remember the surge in demand for materialistic things. Harry Enfield made his career on the back of two phrases ('Loads of money' and 'look at my wad!'). It was a time of brashness, in some way’s vulgarity and one upmanship by many both as individuals and businesses.
The world was encouraged to see money as the number one value in people’s lives and all that it could buy. Trouble was it wasn’t sustainable, and we had a big crash waiting for us…
Last year in some ways gave everyone time to think and to revaluate their lives and what their future could or should be. Money wasn’t a driver – although of course I rank it close to oxygen if you haven’t got it!
However, assuming the money thing is ok, the conversations within the practice were far more about things people really valued: their family, their loved ones, the environment, their friend’s wellbeing, their health… Money was only being valued to make sure the bills were paid and was a lesser consideration.
Of course, this wasn’t always true for some people. We could see certain politicians still believing money was the value to everything, but my feeling was it simply wasn’t the case for so many of our members.
How about you? If the money thing is ok what really matters to you?
For me family, fun and fairness are three key drivers for my life… what’s yours?
Perhaps a chat with some pals in the practice will help you get to the real hub of what drives you on a day-to-day basis – funnily enough I suspect it won’t be money.
Until the next time…