I hope you have had a great bank holiday.
Some of you will know we live onto open fields, and we are very blessed to see much of nature because of it. The calves and sheep are back now, plus the birds are hurtling around feeding young ones. There has been much noise in the eves of our bungalow as sparrows have nested in a corner that’s out of sight of predators but above our back door! The racket the youngsters make calling for food constantly is at times a little tiring.
This morning Anny asked me if I could hear the youngsters and realised it had gone quiet, have they fledged we thought? A few minutes later they started calling again and although we can’t see them, we are flattered they are there. But for just a few minutes we realised what we might have lost… Hopefully, we will see them fledge soon and they will then be pestering us to fill the water bath up which the birds constantly use to drink from and bathe in.
This week one of our founder members of the Family Business Practice called me to apologise that they would not be renewing their membership. We have known them for probably the best part of twenty years, and they have morphed into a new and very exciting venture, one that simply doesn’t fit with the timing of the practice.
We are over the moon for them and whilst we won’t see them at the Practice, we have appreciated them throughout the last eight years of their membership – why wouldn’t we?
Wants the point, Peter?
Recently we have said goodbye to a few members of the Family Business Practice for various reasons. Some because their business has, unfortunately, had to stop, some because retirement has appeared and a couple because their business is now moving in a new direction.
Over the last eight years (and particularly in the last two years of COVID19), we have helped, nurtured and sometimes even lightly cajoled individuals to make the most of the opportunity that the practice, business and life present them. We have enjoyed their contribution, their spirit and most of all their company.
Make the most of your relationships now – don’t wait until the relationship is over to regret a lost opportunity.
The Family Business Practice is a vibrant learning and development community full of great people and businesses who in many cases give of their time and expertise to help others, PLUS do business together where appropriate!
CLICK HERE to see the latest events and book on soon – you will be glad you did.
Go on you know you want to!
Until the next time…
Peter Roper The Family Business Man