Every parent knows what it’s like to wait for their child’s exam results.
They also know what it’s like to wave goodbye to them on their first day back at school…
Which is what has been happening to our six grandchildren this week in the USA, Northern Ireland and Shropshire.
Cue loads of cute photos!
They are all at differing stages in their lives and I know their parents will be giving words of encouragement to the youngest ones through to get out of bed its time to go back for the eldest!
We all know that anything worthwhile rarely comes easily and invariably we need to stick at things to get the results we want. As a parent we endeavour to get this message across to our children (and grandchildren), sometimes with more success than others.
In business the same applies.
September is typically very busy with most of us getting back to attack the busiest part of that year where we all go mad until the December wind down and frankly it can be tiring.
However, we all know it’s the time to shine, so in short whatever you have been saying to your offspring (if you have them) applies equally to you.
Stick at it, keep your head down and good things will come if you want them enough…
Here’s to you for doing just that!
If you need a hand with this, you know where I am.
Until next time …